About the Program Facilitator

Mr. Craig Zablocki

“I measure all speakers against Craig! His message is perfectly suited for the medical community, because of their depth of education and the seriousness of their jobs. Craig left us with the clear path for taking ourselves lightly and our work seriously’!” -Randi Michael, Project Director at DNV GL (Hospital Accreditation Agency)

“Craig’s work with our 285 leaders/administrator from our 117 facilities was powerful, relevant and long-lasting. The laughter and learning we shared were pure medicine!” – Jennifer Helon, LNHA, V.P. of Contracting, Saber Healthcare Group

“Hands down by a lot…Craig’s Las Vegas kick-off could not have been better! Hilarious! Roaring reviews still coming in!” – Dave Scroggins, Director of Operations, Nevada Health Care Assoc.

Making a profound difference for nearly three decades, speaker Craig Zablocki has addressed a million and a half people internationally, in all 50 states, and across industries. Craig’s captivating message has significantly impacted the healthcare arena, from frontline caregivers, to hospital administrators and medical researchers. Craig’s authentic, highly interactive approach draws out the highest in each person and organizations.

Craig’s programs have been characterized as “simple wisdom wrapped in humor”!

Craig’s work with hundreds of healthcare groups and organizations includes the Mayo Clinic, Kaiser Permanente, National Association of State Veteran Homes Administrators, dozens of state long-term healthcare associations, numerous discipline-specific organizations, Oncology Nursing Certification Organization’s National Conferences., National WIC and numerous state WICs, behavioral health, biomedicine, DNV-GL (hospital accreditation), many nursing associations (Oncology, Pediatrics, perioperative…), and social worker associations. The CA Association of Health Facilities, and many others, cite Craig as “the best speaker they’ve ever had our of a hundred collective speakers”. As a returning, full-day leadership trainer to the Medical University of S.C., College of Pharmacy, Craig has impacted multiple classes of pharmacists.

Bottom line…Craig finds that we humans get stuck and need help to get unstuck. So, Craig takes his keen observation of human behavior and simple, practical wisdom–distills it through his lion-hearted passion, his highly interactive style and his spontaneous positive humor. He is a catalyst for change. Craig helps organizations to thrive, by simply seeing the obstacles that keep them stuck. It can happen in a moment, or in the course of an hour!

Craig works with organizations that want (1) a culture of fun, (2) are open to creative innovation, and (3) don’t want to ride on their laurels. Craig finds that world-class organizations want to be challenged, to be called into their authenticity, to take their task seriously and themselves lightly.

A past inner-city teacher prior to speaking, Craig was the first outside speaker invited to address the students at Columbine after the 1999 tragedy. Craig was voted (twice) in the top 2% of the best 150 speakers in the U.S. by the National Society of Human Resource Managers (14,000 voting members).

“We are forever changed!” -Kerilyn Johnson, MS, Sr. Manager, Chapter and State Relations, Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN)

“Off the charts transformative and more fun than a barrel of monkeys!  You met us on a deeply human level–that will forever affect my professional daily life! I’m already using your takeaways!” – Mike McIlwain, RPh, CVS Specialty Pharmacy, Phi Lambda Sigma Pharmacy Conf.

“Craig and his message were phenomenal. Thrilled we booked Craig for both 2022 conferences.” – Toni Ellis, Oncology Nursing Certification Corp (through Jeff Bigelow, CEO, Speak Inc.)

“Profound! Sincere! Hilarious! We all left knowing deeply why we’ve chosen this work.” – Melodie King, Director of Ed., Oregon Health Care Association

“Our teams are on a sustained high after Craig’s program…excellent, life-changing takeaways! We can’t say enough.” – Kathy Platt, President, Dallas Oncology Nursing society Chapter

Check out Craig’s website, programs, groups and more at www.Craigzablocki.com, along with his book, Improv 101, Unleashing Your Creative Spirit.


Mr. Zablocki has no financial disclosures.