The University of South Carolina College of Pharmacy is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.

This application-based activity is accredited for a total of 6 live contact hours (0.6 CEUs) for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians (ACPE UAN 0062-9999-25-001-L99-P and 0062-9999-25-001-L99-T).  To claim credit, participants must sign-in at the registration table at the beginning of the day and attend the entire program.  No partial credit will be issued.  Participants must complete an online evaluation within 30 days (providing their correct NABP e-Profile ID and month/day of birth) in order to ensure credit is reported to the NABP CPE Monitor.  The CPE Monitor will automatically reject all credit claimed and reported greater than 60 days from the date of the live program.

Please visit to contact the CPE provider with any questions regarding CPE credit.